backpacking ramen and rice recipes

Pantry Essentials – Part V of V

How to elevate your meals with basic pantry items you probably already have in the cupboard.

by Chef Corso

Welcome to Part V of our pantry series deep dive. If you missed Parts I to IV, you can find them in our Cooking How-tos section.

Let’s get to it!


You know them, you love them.  And understandably so.  They are cheap, high calorie, low weight and cook up fast.  But next time try to add a bit of freshness and flavor by adding some fresh snap peas, bock choy, chili paste or vinegar.  Forget your spork?  Just whittle up some campy chop sticks from some fallen twigs.  Ramen will never taste so good.

Recipe Ideas:

Shitake Sesame Ramen

Sweet & Salty Asian Noodles

Tom Yum Ramen Bowl


These are a relatively new item at the grocery store.  I usually like to cook my own grains and rice fresh but these are undeniably handy and convenient for a quick meal.  They are also a great base for quick an elevated trail lunch or dinner.  Throw them in your pack and jazz it up with some veggies and dressing or a quick stir-fry.

Recipe Ideas:

BLT Grain Bowl

Green Goddess Grain Bowl

Breakfast Rice

Check out the whole series here:

-Pantry Ingredients – Part I – Instant Rice/Dehydrated Beans

-Pantry Ingredients – Part II – Pasta/Rice Noodles

-Pantry Ingredients – Part III  – Eggs/Fresh Veggies

-Pantry Ingredients – Part IV – Polenta/Tomato Paste



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